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New Long Range & Miniaturised RFID Reader/Writers

New Long Range & Miniaturised RFID Reader/Writers

We're very excited to launch two new, high-performance RFID tools.

Both readers are LibNFC compatible - so plug and play with your existing toolchain (mfoc, mfcuk, etc)
  • DL533N XL
    Long Range Reading / Writing / Sniffing up to 18cm on 13.56Mhz cards:

    MIFARE Classic®,  Ultralight, DESFire, FeliCa, NTAG etc

    Designed for pentesting: place under tables, in backpacks, brief cases, books etc. This is the world's only publicly available long-range 13.56MHz LibNFC-compatible device.

  • DL533N
    USB-Key sized LibNFC-compatible RFID device, providing full toolkit compatibility: Read / Write / Emulate / Crack / Sniff.

Lab401 has extensively tested both devices, which are available individually or in packs.

Both products are in-stock, and available now!
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