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Proxmark 3 & Low Frequency: Decoding unknown tags

Proxmark 3 & Low Frequency: Decoding unknown tags

LAB401 ACADEMY: Proxmark 3 and Unknown Low Frequency Tags


Second in a series by renowned RFID & Proxmark expert, iceman. 

This tutorial dives deeper into low frequency tags. At the end of the tutorial, you'll leverage the Proxmark 3's Data Plot windows to determine a tag's bitstream and modulation, allowing to quickly and easily decode unknown LF tags.

Subjects covered:

Working with Low Frequency Tags
- Data Plot in Depth
- Determining tag bitstreams
- Determine tag modulation / demodulation

Interested in getting started with these tools? We've made the Pentester Pack that contains all the tools from this tutorial - and some extra Magic Mifare cards.

Buying in a pack gives a massive saving of 66 Euros - check out the pack here.

Check out the video below.

Many thanks to iceman - stay tuned for more tutorials coming soon in this series.

Technical Resources:

Article précédent Proxmark 3 & Project Walrus: Easier Pentesting
Articles suivant Getting Started: Proxmark 3 & Low Frequency

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