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#Pentestips : RFID Field Detector

#Pentestips : RFID Field Detector

We're excited to announce the launch of Lab401 #pentestips !
Every Friday - we'll release one of our favourite pentesting tips, tricks or tutorials.

If you've got a tip that you'd like to see featured, just send us a tweet.

This week's pentestip is on the Lab401 RFID Field Detector - a tiny, battery free device that quickly indicates when it detects and RFID field - and also whether it's Low-Frequency or High-Frequency. Perfect for debugging hardware or determining testing surface for Red Teams.

Check back every Friday for a new video.

Check back every Friday for a new video

Artículo anterior #Pentestips : Chameleon Mini: Standalone Mifare Cloning
Artículo siguiente Mifare Reader Attack: Sniffing, Cracking, Emulation, Open! LAB401 Academy - CHAMELEON MINI Tutorial

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