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#pentestips:  How to Bypass a RFID reader without any tools (kinda) aka the secret emergency card reader

#pentestips: How to Bypass a RFID reader without any tools (kinda) aka the secret emergency card reader

 In this video you will discover how to bypass an RFID reader by working directly on the door.

What do you mean by " it's not how it should work" ?

Open is open, right ?

And that's pentest :)

See you next week for another #pentestips

For more #pentestips or information on pentesting tools, visit LAB401.com


Vorheriger Artikel #pentestips: THE PERFECT CLONE. One Time Write RFID tag, the best for duplicating Mifare Classic.
Nächster Artikel #pentestips : Identify credit card skimmers with the hunter cat

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