From the 20th to the 27th of December, Get 10% discount storewide while using the coupon code : LAB401XMAS . We will be shipping throughout the holidays - so it's the perfect time to get equipped for the New Year 2019!
As several customers have noted, Lab401 is currently out of key stock - read on to find out why, and more importantly, when we'll be back in stock - and how we'll take care of customers that have had to wait.
The recent Tesla Model S hack is exclusively powered by Open Source hardware. Read how a Proxmark 3, Yardstick One and Raspberry Pi were used to pull of this feat.
From September 5 - 10, enjoy up to 20% at Lab401.Our Pentester Packs and Pentester Tag Packs are on sale - and we've also added some exciting new products: Proxmark 3 RDV4, Proxmark 3 EVO and the Keysy LF Duplicator.
Assa Abloy's Ving Card system using the Proxmark 3 RDV2 by InfoSec firm F-Secure. The Proxmark 3, operating in Stand-Alone mode, is able to determine the Site Master Key, and generate a master pa..
Lab401 is excited to present the latest version of its ChameleonMini UI Tool, version With a huge thanks to iceman, who has put in a huge amount of work over the last few months, the Chameleon Mini UI tool is a powerful update on the previous version, and is also open source....