#pentestips: HackRF with Android Smartphone : Duplicate a Fixed Code Alarm Remote
by Lab401 Lee June 04, 2021
Did you know that you can connect your HackRF One directly to your android phone, and use the HackRF_Test application to control it, and do simple RX TX ?
In this video, discover how simple it is to operate a Replay Attack on a Fixed Code 433MHz Alarm remote controller.
@MrDerekJamison deep-dives debugging the LightMessenger. It's a fascinating, detailed foray into the challenges of debugging hardware, lessons learned along the way and tips for open-source project maintainers.
Dive into the behind-the-scenes of how Lab401's LightMessenger accessory was made. Sketches, blueprints, videos from the assembly line, errors and mishaps and much more.